
About TrueToF

Auto-Transform Your World with TrueToF: No Clicks Required

Explore HKSC’s 3D Segment Anything Model (SAM): Enhanced with ToF Imaging and Reinforcement Learning
Transform real-world data into precise 3D models effortlessly with HKSC’s SAM—no manual input needed.
Additionally, we supports infrared wavelengths of 850, 940, and 1330.

  • Effortless: SAM’s no-click technology speeds up the 3D modeling process.
  • Insightful: Gain deeper insights into 3D environments, crucial for advancements in robotics and VR.
  • Efficient: Automate the creation of accurate 3D representations to enhance productivity.

Experience simplicity and precision with HKSC’s SAM.

3D Segment Anything Model (SAM) Imaging

Overview of the 3D Segment Anything Model (SAM): The 3D Segment Anything Model (SAM) Imaging from HKSC is a 3D object segmentation tool utilizing Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors and reinforcement learning …


Feature HKSC 3D SAM Meta 2D SAM Object Segmentation Supports 3D object segmentation without user interaction Supports 2D object segmentation, requires user interaction Volume Measurement Enables easy 3D object volume …



5 +
Physical Attributes
100 +
132 TB
Training Dataset
10 +
Use Case

Latest News

TrueToF Gen4: Spatial Modeling Technology

TrueToF Gen4 leverages Time-of-Flight (ToF) depth sensing technology, combined with Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) and real-time physical modeling capabilities, enabling users to quickly and accurately capture depth information from their …

Predictions with Advanced 3D SAM

We are excited to announce a significant leap forward in our technology! By utilizing 3D SAM (Segment Anything Model) and AI-driven space-time alignment, we’ve made unprecedented progress in predicting growth …